OK-Why, do you ask, does Ira want to put up a website dedicated to meat?
BECAUSE-it's so AWESOME!!! There is nothing like creating the perfect dry rub for a pork shoulder, then smoking it for 3 hours, and slow-cooking it for another 22 hours. There is also NOTHING like when you pull apart the moist, smoky pork from the bone, and taste all the spices & smoke. There is also nothing like eating the first pulled-pork sandwich from the shoulder! And finally, nothing like seeing the enjoyment on everyone's face after they take their 2nd helping!
Yes-I have an issue. I like to cook. I like to smoke. I like to grill. I like to bar-b-que. More importantly, I like to EAT!
Enjoy the blog. I've included a weather link so you can plan your smoking project ahead of time. I will include pictures, recipes, and links dedicated to one of my favorite hobbies!
Can somebody PLEASE shout AMEN?