My Mother-in-Law gave me this grill. I cleaned it up really nice, replaced the flavor bars (which were literally being held together by a prayer), and replaced the cooking grates.
I really like to use this for chicken legs, and steaks (only london broil, or flank steaks) when I am too lazy to fire up one of my charcoal grills. I also use this grill when I do not have the time to start the charcoal grills due to scheduling issues.
I have been using this pretty regularly for the past month, or so, and except for a grease fire (shame on me for NOT cleaning out the bottom part of the grill), I am very happy with this grill.
These Porterhouse steaks were cooked about 8 minutes on each side, taken off really rare, and server rare/medium rare after a short rest on a plate. I did NOT even need to add any spices to them, just salt at the table. They were AWESOME!!!

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